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We provide housing, case management, life skills coaching, educational and medical support, mental health resources and employment assistance to youth ages 16-20, who are aging out of the Foster Care system. These youth are moving toward independence but in need of more intensive services. Youth live in two room units, with an individual bathroom, but have access to a commercial kitchen facility, computer lab, TV lounges, game area and exercise equipment. Life skills coaches meet with the youth 4 hours each week and case managers provide ongoing services. Staffing and supervision is maintained 24 hours a day/7 days a week.


Youth in this placement setting reside in community homes, with certified home providers. These youth typically require less supervision and commit to attending school or being employed, for a total of 40 hours each week. Life skills coaches meet with these youth at least 16 hours each month and case managers provide the youth with ongoing support as they work toward total independence.

general INDEPENDENT Living  

Youth placed in General Independent Living are responsible for maintaining their living arrangement in a community-based environment. To be eligible for this program, youth must have the ability to maintain their basic needs and must be employed or attending school for a total of 40 hours each week. Youth in this program are provided with ongoing case management services.

© 2024 by Federation of Youth Services

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